"In My 15 Years of Internet Marketing I’ve Never Made Affiliate Commissions This Fast Without Leveraging My Email List!"

"... I used this during halftime while watching a World Cup match and had earned $122 a few hours later"

Right now I'm revealing exactly why I've been doing this for the past 18mths, and how you can copy my blueprint (even if you're a complete newbie with no list, no audience, and no clue!)

Let me share with you:
  • The #1 EASIEST way to make commissions I’ve ever taught before. No list, no videos, no complicated pages, no organic traffic, no waiting for visitors. You can be getting ultra-targeted traffic as early as today.
  • Why 'order-jacking' is better than relying on new product launches all the time (order-jacking allows you to promote evergreen offers that are always popular and have been proven sellers for months and years!)
  • Why most struggling affiliates end up with cold, non-buying traffic to their offers. (if you’re currently getting this wrong you’re leaving $1,000’s in the gutter each month).

From the desk of JayKay Dowdall;

Dear affiliate marketer,

If you feel like you've been running on the "affiliate marketing hamster wheel" for too long without banking the commissions that 'the guru's' told you about...

If you feel like you've been working your butt off to make tiny $8 commissions for what feels like hours of work...

If you feel like you're being told the exact same thing, over and over again and are desperate for something new and exciting...

... Then I've written this letter just for you.

I know exactly how you feel because I've been there. I've felt that same overwhelming, sinking feeling that makes you ask yourself "is this ever going to happen for me?"

After making over $3,000,000 since, I found that one of the easiest ways to make money online is by selling other people's products by diving deep into one particular strategy and sticking with it.

I’ve been raving about the freedom of affiliate marketing for the last 5 years, and one of the most frequent questions I get asked by fresh-faced, eager newbies is:

“What’s The Easiest, Fastest Way to Make Money Online?”

There are guru’s out there who claim they’ve got all the secret sauce.

I could be like them and tell you that MY way is the only way.

The truth is this:

There are dozens of ways to make truckloads of cash online.

Heck, I’ve done most of them: affiliate marketing, arbitrage, services, agency work, software development, product launches, blogging… just about the only thing I haven’t done is twerk on TikTok (and let’s be honest, nobody wants to see that).

The bottom-line is: If you pick one timeless strategy and stick with it you’ll eventually get the results you’re looking for.

But there’s a big elephant sized problem in the room.

I’m assuming you don’t have 12 hours per day to invest into learning, developing, and growing one of those strategies for the next 5 years…

Heck, if you’re like most people I work with, I know that you’re probably working your own J-O-B right now, hoping to find a way out so that you can take care of your family, yourself, and your future.

You might have less than 2 hours per week to grow a profitable online strategy, am I right?

This is exactly why I was so excited when;

“I Stumbled Into a New Sale-Surging Strategy That Started Making Boatloads of Sales Immediately…”

You can literally see the difference. $0.00 into sales literally overnight! And then it kept going!

Now sure, making thousands of dollars in a single day is great (I’m not saying I wasn’t excited about that part), but that really wasn’t even the best part...

And sure, I loved that the students I shared this with were so mindblown they started sending me videos praising all the golden nuggets they were discovering.

In fact, you’ll see countless testimonials and screenshots from myself and others that have started using this strategy for themselves right here on this page.

How could they not love it?

All you have to do is pick an affiliate offer, copy/paste this strategy to fit, and start converting red-hot traffic into buyers (this part happens automatically)

But no, while all of that is great

The best part of all was:

“Anyone With Any Experience Level Can Start Doing This Right Now And It Only Takes a Few Minutes Per Day…”


In exchange for a few minutes per day after you’ve gotten setup you can start putting together your own sale-surging campaigns.

If you leverage this strategy as aggressively as I have, you can be earning several thousands of dollars per day using this new method you’ve never seen before.

It’s really that powerful.

It really does work.

It really can change everything.

If you’re reading this, nodding your head, and thinking “I’ve gotta know more” then you need to see this all-new training I’ve put together for you.

“You’ll See Plenty More Zero-Dollar-Days If You Don’t Take Action & Make A Change…”

Look, I hate to be cynical.

I’m usually a positive and upbeat person, but there’s a sad truth I must share with you.

Most affiliate's are doing the exact same thing, to attract the exact same customers, and it's leaving everyone struggling to get buyers.

Unless you’ve got a big list of subscribers, you'll be waiting at the bottom of the food chain for years.

I see dozens of affiliates trying to sell the exact same products to a tiny market, and all for what, $10-$20 in commissions?
As more people learn about the same beginner strategies you’ve been focused on, competition has gotten out of hand and now there’s 20 affiliates for every 1 customer.

Which means:
  • Less clicks for you
  • Less visitors "caring" about what you have to say
  • Less sales than ever before
And of course, less money in your pocket.

And then you’re left “holding the bag” scrambling and desperate for an even bigger strategy to payoff with even more sales so you can cover the losses you’ve got!

It sucks.

It’s unfair.

And it’s been draining your money, motivation, and self-belief for months (maybe even years)!

Unfortunately, it gets even worse because…

“If You Stay On Your Current Path You May Be Running Even Further From The Sales…”

With the combination of poor educators, poor strategies, and lack of great quality traffic you’ve probably noticed how hard it is to get even a few sales regularly.

Sure, you can make a few bucks here and there – but that’s not going to replace your income anytime soon, is it?

Between making Facebook posts that hardly anyone reads, to trying to figure out TikTok and how dancing on screen like a doofus is going to bring in any sales the result is always going to be the same:

Wasting your time for no commissions.

Nobody wants that.

Then the next big trend pops up and the cycle starts all over again with you right at the center of the hurricane (hint: that’s not a good place to be).

The big question you should be asking is…

“How Do I Get Out of the Affiliate Rat Race And Start Making Serious Money?”

The answer: By learning a process that’s repeatable, scalable, and applicable across multiple niches.

The ideal super-affiliate strategy should allow you to enter any niche, select from a wide variety of offers, and have thousands of purchase-ready visitors easily located and easily “tapped into”.

You should be able to float between products and niches to ride different trends in the marketplace, and easily copy/recycle assets that you can build once and use multiple times for years to come.

For me, that strategy is order-jackingand it has nothing to do with product launches, reviews, eCommerce, blogging, or video marketing.

This strategy allows me to promote almost any kind of evergreen affiliate offer like digital products, coaching, and services, as well as eCommerce products drones, supplements, and even household cleaning products.

It’s as simple as this: The order-jacking strategy has allowed me to run an entire affiliate business off a laptop. No cameras, no videos, no blogging, no social media.

How can you leverage the order-jacking strategy to become a successful self-made affiliate?

It’s simple: Order-jacking ensures that you only attract red hot traffic that wants what you’re selling and are ready to buy now.

This means you get clicks, you get sales, and you get paid.

Remember, order-jacking works for anyone – even if you don’t have an email list of subscribers.

In Fact, With Order-Jacking, You Never Need to Do Any of This:


With order-jacking you don't ever need to record any videos. If you like making videos, that's great it works too, but it's not required.


Order-jacking has nothing to do with reviewing new products, in fact, order-jacking works best with evergreen affiliate offers.


Finally you don't need to sit around and think "what am I going to post today" because there's no social media required with order-jacking.


You'll never need to outsource blog writing to a professional writer or write pages and pages of keyword focused, SEO-built blogs ever again.


You'll never need to create complicated bonuses that are packed with more value than the product you're promoting when you leverage the power of order-jacking.


You don't need any subscribers to make money with order-jacking. You can use order-jacking to grow and email list, but it's not required.


I hate building websites so you won't ever have to use complicated (and expensive) wordpress themes and plugins


Making your own digital product is one the most difficult things you'll ever do, that's why I didn't include it in my order-jacking strategy. You'll never need to create your own products to make money.


Gosh I hate doing SEO! All those links, pages, rules, and it takes ages to get traffic. With order-jacking you'll never need to think of SEO ever again.


With order-jacking you're invisible! Customers may never even know you exist while you quietly cash your commission cheques every week.

“It Would Be a Shame For Someone Else to Discover This Strategy And Start Claiming YOUR Commissions!”

[more rhims 6.0 testimonials]

STOP RIGHT THERE! Here’s Why You Should Listen to Me…”

It’s crushing to feel like you’ve tried everything, and yet nothing seems to work for you.

It can feel like you’re drinking poison when every “fresh start” ends up feeling soiled because it didn’t work like the guru’s said it would.

I used to sit in awe of the super-affiliates who would compete in affiliate contests for Rolexes and sportscars, I’d hunger for their $1,000 days of commissions and their inner-circle knowledge.

And now I am one of them! And now you too can take your deserved seat at our table:
  • Even if you don’t have an email list (I’ll show you why you don’t need to start with one).
  • Even if you don’t have approval for any affiliate offers (I’ll show you how to get access to hundreds that payout $50-$100+ per sale)
  • Even if you don’t have a full blown website (I’ll show you why you don’t need one)
  • Even if you don’t want to be on camera (with order-jacking you’re completely invisible)
  • Even if you don’t have social media followers (you’ll never need to make a social post to “drive traffic” ever again)
  • Even if you don’t know where to get traffic (I’ll show you were 100% of my traffic comes from)

“This Is The 6th Edition In my TRIPLE Award Winning R.H.I.M.S Series”

This is usually the part where I tell you how I’ve been an internet marketer since I was 16 (yikes, that’s 16yrs ago now! How time flies!) and how I struggled for years to make my first million dollars online.

… And then point to all the vacations I’ve taken, the 5-star resorts I’ve stayed at, the supercar rentals, etc.

… And why you’d have to be out of your mind to ignore what I can teach you…

But I’m not going to do that.

Instead, I’m going to let my current customers tell you how my RHIMS (Really Helpful Internet Marketing Stuff) series has helped them.

Just 1 week ago. I asked some of the current members of my RHIMS series to share just ONE thing they’ve learned so far...

Here’s what a few of them said:
Please note: These are only 18 of the comments, this page would be waaaay too long if I added the dozens of replies that were sent in! You can see all of these comments inside the members area and verify these are real customers of the RHIMS series.

“People Everywhere Are Raving About RHIMS 6.0 – And So Will YOU When You Discover…”

  • You need a big list of email subscribers to make truckloads of cash as an affiliate, right? Wrong! In lesson 1 of RHIMS 6.0 I’ll show you how to apply the order-jacking strategy to any niche even if you don’t have a single email subscriber.
  • Why most struggling affiliates end up with cold, non-buying traffic to their offers (if you’re currently getting this wrong you’re leaving $1,000’s in the gutter each month)
  • How to build affiliate campaigns in the biggest-spending niches on Earth alongside the biggest super-affiliates in the industry (and how to succeed against them).
  • AVOID making videos, creating blogs, running social media channels, and creating/buying content to make yourself ‘stand out’. With order-jacking you’re completely invisible! Heck, most customers don’t even know that a portion of their money went to you as your commission!
  • ​Over 80% of struggling affiliates are choosing the wrong keywords and not getting the right kind of traffic; I’ll give you an easy trick to ensure this never happens to you.
  • My simple framework for a 300-word conversion mechanism that you can copy/paste into multiple niches. When traffic enters this mechanism, it erupts with hot prospects eager to click your affiliate link and buy, buy, buy!
  • Give me 15 mins, and I’ll show you how to create an order-jacking campaign that spits out sales! Seriously, I built an order-jacking campaign during halftime while watching a World Cup match and I got notified of a $100+ sale just a few hours later (this case study is included inside the members area).

“You’re Also Going to Discover These Insider Secrets…”

  • If you can create a simple one-page website, then you have all the skills you need to start order-jacking right now (and even if you feel intimidated by that, I’ve created an easy workbook to help you every step of the way).
  • The truth about buying traffic from the search engines – and chances are, it’s not what you think it is.
  • The single-most effective strategy to get laser-targeted traffic to your affiliate link in less than 24hrs.
  • How to instantly become a competitive affiliate in almost any niche, and have a vast selection of affiliate offers at your fingertips that pay you $100+ for every sale AND recurring commissions for months and years to come.
  • ​The 6 different automated mechanisms you can leverage as a way to turn your incoming traffic into prospects hungry to buy the offer you’re promoting.

“Hear From These Raving Fans of Order-Jacking In Their Own Words…”

"Video Testimonial Placeholder

ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed odio morbi quis commodo."

John Smith, affiliate marketer

"Video Testimonial Placeholder

ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed odio morbi quis commodo."

John Smith, affiliate marketer

“This is Your ‘Unfair Advantage’ Because You’ll Make Money Whether You Like it Or Not After You Discover…”

  • The sneaky underground tactic that attracts visitors in search of answers and slides a sales pitch right under their noses. This leaves prospects asking “where do I buy this?” before finding the answer by clicking your affiliate link...
  • Why order-jacking is better than relying on new product launches all the time: order-jacking allows you to promote evergreen offers that are always popular and have been proven sellers for months and years!
  • The world is headed for a global recession according to a press release from the World Bank in late September 2022, order-jacking is an evergreen affiliate strategy that will always have buyers knocking at your door asking for more.
  • The only 3 things you will ever need to make consistent sales as an affiliate marketer (everything else is fluff apart from these 3 things, this will save you so much time and money).
  • ​What NEVER to do when planning out your affiliate campaign (most struggling affiliates are doing this right now and wondering why they’re not making any money – and it all starts before you even launch your campaign).

Finally – After 18mths of Development – You Too Can Become an Insider and Discover This Underground Affiliate Marketing Secret for The Low, One-Time Investment of Just $47 $27

If you are ready to start creating your own order-jacking campaigns and are ready to stuff your pockets with affiliate sales, then click on the button below to get instant access to the step-by-step course.

  • Instant Access: 5 Modules of order-jacking training to show you every part of creating your own campaigns.
  • Case Study: One of the most transparent and informative case studies you'll ever see. Watch this campaign get built from scratch and start making sales in just hours!
  • Mentor Support: Reach out for help with any aspect of your campaign in our private members mastermind.
  • Members Checklist: Use this checklist to complete all of the content. If you complete this checklist you will have your first campaign live!
  • Limitless Niches: The order-jacking will work for products in just about every niche including health, wealth, finance, relationships, and more.
  • Beginner Friendly: This is one of the most beginner-friendly strategies for affiliate marketing, and with the support from our group and community you're going to succeed.


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Don't risk paying more later, lock-in the lowest ever price of RHIMS 6.0 Order-Jacking! Join Now!

I’m Going to Take All of the Risk Because I’m Securing Your Order With My 100% No Fuss, No-Holds-Barred, No B.S., Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the insider secret that lets me take all the risk off you: I know that this works.

All the quotes, and videos on this page show that other people see the value in this and know that it works too.

But you might be a little skeptical, and that’s perfectly normal. I get that.
So I want you to take a leap of faith with me, and start applying this strategy for yourself to test how this works for you.

You can have these campaigns setup in just 1 day, but I’ll go above and beyond that and give you a whole 30 days to really try it out and apply yourself.

If, for whatever reason, you aren’t happy with the training or you can’t understand how it’s supposed to work – that’s fine, maybe this just isn’t for you.

I wouldn’t feel right keeping your tiny investment if I knew that this wasn’t helping you make sales and commissions.

Just let my team know by emailing us via the link on your digital receipt within 30 days of completing your order and you’ll get a no-quibble, no-guilt, no-shame, no-questions-asked refund.

Yes, that’s right.

I will give you a complete refund no matter what the reason.

And I’ll make it even better!

Not only will you get a full refund on your entire purchase, but I’ll even let you keep the training for life.

I’m that positive you’re going to be blown away by the content and value inside RHIMS 6.0.




YES – I Want to Start Making Repeat Affiliate Sales Starting TODAY

  • YES. Please give me immediate access to all five training modules inside RHIMS 6.0 now so I can start my journey into order-jacking for the low, one-time price of just $47 $27
  • YES. I understand I will also get access to future live training, coaching, and mastermind groups to get a deeper understanding of order-jacking to generate sales faster.
  • YES. I want to access this simple system right away and pledge to try it risk-free for the next 30 days.
  • YES. I understand I am getting an ‘unfair advantage’ over other affiliates who do not have access to this battle-tested and proven method for making big commissions even if I don’t have an email list of subscribers.
  • YES. I understand I can learn this strategy without risk for the next 30 days and may ask for a refund at anytime if I’m unhappy with the content.
And remember that you won’t be alone.

I make myself very accessible to my students via email, one-on-one calls, masterminding in my exclusive groups, and even through direct messageso if you ever have questions, you’re able to get access.

I’m not locked in my ivory tower like some ‘gurus’ who sell you a course and then you can never reach if you have questions.

I’ll be there to hold your hand along the way and ensure you’re able to apply what you’re learning.


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Don't risk paying more later, lock-in the lowest ever price of RHIMS 6.0 Order-Jacking! Join Now!

Anyone can pick up their copy of RHIMS 6.0 and start seeing real, repeatable, scalable sales through effective use of the order-jacking strategy. 

I’ve shown you the proof that it works for me, for others, and how it will work for you too.

You know that with the 30-day no B.S., no-fuss, no-holds-barred, iron-clad money back guarantee protecting investment you are completely safe, 100% protected, and can get started with no risk right now.

But, I’m going to sweeten the pot even more.

 “I’m Going to Make This a Complete No-Brainer By Including These Value-Packed Bonuses For FREE…”

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST



This checklist will guarantee you see all of the content in the correct order, and know when to complete each task that helps get your campaign built.

If you follow this checklist you WILL have your first order-jacking campaign live and receiving laser-targeted traffic!

This checklist included for FREE during this limited time!

VALUE = $25
Included At NO COST



Battle-tested and millions of dollars sold, these offers are absolute conversion machines.

Combine these offers with the order-jacking strategy and you’ll see sales flooding into your account.

This exclusive list of offers is only available to members of the RHIMS 6.0 

We’ve done all the work for you! If you outsourced this, it could cost $25 or more - it’s yours free!

VALUE = $67
Included At NO COST



Many students consider this to be one of the most valuable case study trainings I’ve ever done.

I took them over-the-shoulder and showed them absolutely everything as I ran up a $1,500 campaign (which later turned into over $5,000 in total sales after the case study).

This case study is my free gift to you when you join RHIMS 6.0. This case study was a $67 entrance fee before, and it’s yours today for free!

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST



These workbooks have become such a lifesaver for me.

I had to repeat so many simple tasks when setting up my order-jacking campaigns, I started using simple workbooks to help me create my campaigns in a simple PDF document and then just copy/paste the info into my campaign.

Now you can get all of my workbooks (updated for RHIMS 6.0) included when you join the members area. 

Get all of the workbooks included for free with your purchase of RHIMS 6.0. These workbooks are a $47 value included for free!

VALUE = $250
Included At NO COST



You’re entitled to one free private 1-on-1 call with JayKay Dowdall to discuss your order-jacking campaign setup, or review.

If you’re seeing this bonus, then it’s still available and your spot for a call is still open!

I only offer this bonus a few times per year since spots fill up quickly and once they’re gone, they’re gone! Reserve your one-on-one call with JayKay by joining RHIMS 6.0 now!

This $250 value is included for free!
Look, you’re either in or you’re out.

Thousands of people will visit this page, and only a handful will ever say 'yes' and join the rest of us in this incredible opportunity. The rest will be held back by their self-limiting beliefs.

Do you want to remain in your current situation and, in the future, think back to where you are right now and wonder to yourself “what if I did”…

… Or do you want to choose a new path?

Do you want to break free and claim your seat at the table of super-affiliates and look back to this moment and think “it’s because I did”?

We’ve pulled up a chair, are you ready to join us?
P.S. You really are just one click away from finally breaking through that wall.

When I first started learning affiliate marketing years ago, there wasn’t anything like this program out there.
I only wish I had something that would explain a strategy like this to me in simple, plain English.

Without the fluff, without the nonsense, and with real honest advice behind it.

But now there is, and you’re looking at it: The RHIMS Series.

This is the 6th edition in the RHIMS Series and it’s all about order-jacking, the miraculous strategy I’ve been describing on this page. The same strategy that’s available for you by just taking a small leap of faith with me today.

I’m not going to lie to you. You can skip this course and learn all this on your own (like I had to) and you will get there if you have enough determination, perseverance, and availability.

Or you can take this shortcut and let me give you the benefits of what I’ve learned and suffered through for the past few years.

You can get the simple, step-by-step method right now and immediately break through that wall to make serious money as an affiliate marketer!

Click The Button Below To Get Started...



YES – I Want to Start Making Repeat Affiliate Sales Starting TODAY

  • YES. Please give me immediate access to all five training modules inside RHIMS 6.0 now so I can start my journey into order-jacking for the low, one-time price of just $47 $27
  • YES. I understand I will also get access to future live training, coaching, and mastermind groups to get a deeper understanding of order-jacking to generate sales faster.
  • YES. I want to access this simple system right away and pledge to try it risk-free for the next 30 days.
  • YES. I understand I am getting an ‘unfair advantage’ over other affiliates who do not have access to this battle-tested and proven method for making big commissions even if I don’t have an email list of subscribers.
  • YES. I understand I can learn this strategy without risk for the next 30 days and may ask for a refund at anytime if I’m unhappy with the content.
And remember that you won’t be alone.

I make myself very accessible to my students via email, one-on-one calls, masterminding in my exclusive groups, and even through direct messageso if you ever have questions, you’re able to get access.

I’m not locked in my ivory tower like some ‘gurus’ who sell you a course and then you can never reach if you have questions.

I’ll be there to hold your hand along the way and ensure you’re able to apply what you’re learning.


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Don't risk paying more later, lock-in the lowest ever price of RHIMS 6.0 Order-Jacking! Join Now!

Don't Forget! I’m Going to Take All of the Risk Because I’m Securing Your Order With My 100% No Fuss, No-Holds-Barred, No B.S., Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the insider secret that lets me take all the risk off you: I know that this works.

All the quotes, and videos on this page show that other people see the value in this and know that it works too.

But you might be a little skeptical, and that’s perfectly normal. I get that.
So I want you to take a leap of faith with me, and start applying this strategy for yourself to test how this works for you.

You can have these campaigns setup in just 1 day, but I’ll go above and beyond that and give you a whole 30 days to really try it out and apply yourself.

If, for whatever reason, you aren’t happy with the training or you can’t understand how it’s supposed to work – that’s fine, maybe this just isn’t for you.

I wouldn’t feel right keeping your tiny investment if I knew that this wasn’t helping you make sales and commissions.

Just let my team know by emailing us via the link on your digital receipt within 30 days of completing your order and you’ll get a no-quibble, no-guilt, no-shame, no-questions-asked refund.

Yes, that’s right.

I will give you a complete refund no matter what the reason.

And I’ll make it even better!

Not only will you get a full refund on your entire purchase, but I’ll even let you keep the
workbooks, checklists, and bonuses!

I’m that positive you’re going to be blown away by the content and value inside RHIMS 6.0.


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Don't risk paying more later, lock-in the lowest ever price of RHIMS 6.0 Order-Jacking! Join Now!

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