I Stumbled Into 2024's "Wave of Wealth"  & It's A Proven Path to Affiliate Sales in Uncertain Times...

"... You'll never think about affiliate marketing the same way again"

On this page I’m going to reveal the ugly truth about affiliate marketing and why it’s harder than ever to make money as an affiliate.

I’ll also tell you a new way to get: profitable traffic, lead conversions, and sales in weird niches.

The affiliate elite don’t want you to know the simple truth that has been keeping you chasing the next ‘loophole to commissions’ while they quietly pocket $100,000’s from bizarre niches.

And, for the first time ever, you’re going to see how to leverage Ai to copy their repeatable, evergreen strategy.

Nobody else is teaching this.

Nobody else is talking about this.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself because…

From the desk of JayKay Dowdall;

"This All Started During a Pandemic Lockdown ZOOM Call That I Was Accidentally Invited To..."

It was a Tuesday evening in May 2020 when I received the standard ‘GoToWebinar’ reminder email for a webinar starting in 60mins…

I knew the sender, a very well regarded ‘legacy’ affiliate marketer who’d previously been a keynote speaker at various industry events in the affiliate biz.

I’d never registered for anything, and I just assumed this was the usual ‘webinar spam’ that I’ve gotten used to (maybe you’ve gotten some yourself recently – annoying, isn’t it?)

I was just going to delete the message when something unusual caught my eye…
This caught my attention… I’d never been a member of any groups by that name, and I’d never gotten any previous invites (I even checked my spam folder to make sure).

I decided to ignore it, until I got another email 20mins later…
So, was this the greatest reverse-psychology marketing pitch ever to get me to attend another pointless sales webinar, or was this a genuine mistake?

Any other day, any other year, I’d probably just have ignored it…

But this was lockdown, baby: I had a bottle of wine, nothing on the calendar, and enough curiosity to send me into meltdown.

“Screw It, Let's Do It…”

I decided I had nothing to lose but time, and in the early days of the pandemic time was a commodity I had plenty of.

I waited until the start of the webinar and I’d half expected that the link wouldn’t even work, or that I’d immediately get kicked out.

I joined and waited for the host...

The webinar started, and a handful of other attendee’s (like me) who had received the invite by accident started to fill the chat with questions, and the moderators were kicking people left and right.

I sat quietly, anonymously, and waited for things to settle.

Eventually the hosts got started and it was clear that this wasn’t the usual sales call I was expecting… In fact, there was nothing to buy at all.

The hosts of the call discussed how they would make the most commissions during the pandemic: What niches were going to pump, where people would be spending their money, and what people were most likely to buy while online after boredom got them reaching for their credit cards.

I’d never heard affiliates talk like this before… In fact nobody was talking like this!

The world was so full of fear, but these attendee's were almost giddy with opportunity.

They discussed the impact of the upcoming election in the United States, the condition of the economy, the liquidity of the US dollar; the Canadian dollar, the British pound, and more.

They weren’t interested in selling eBooks, online courses, or software. They wanted to turn the psychology of the collective world into one giant sales opportunity.

If you’ve ever thought there was an affiliate marketing Illuminati, there is: And they’re 10 steps ahead of you:

“These Guys Were Affiliate Millionaires Hiding Behind Keyboards, Anonymously Making $1,000's Per Day Without Videos, Social Media, Email Lists, or even Websites!…”

I took as many notes as I could before the call ended.

I never received another invite to another session with 'arxdiem', and I have never thought about affiliate marketing the same way since that Tuesday night.

I stayed up all night, thinking about all of the mistakes I'd been making for years.

My mind was opened to the real secrets of becoming a millionaire affiliate marketer and it's taken 4 years to put all the pieces together and start this journey myself.

You see, this syndicate had something I don’t: $100,000’s to spend on paid advertising.

That was the secret to all their traffic; they paid HUGE amounts for millions of visitors per month, and I knew I was not able to compete with that.

I knew I needed to scale down what they were doing.

I needed to make it simpler.

It's now 4 years later, and I’ve developed my own Ai adapted version of their system.

I want to share this new way of looking at affiliate marketing that allows me to compound every campaign to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

With this system, I am always ahead of the game and always leveraging a proven process that develops with every opportunity.

This journey has taught me a lot along the way, and I discovered:

“The 3 ‘Affiliate Killer’ Mistakes You Didn’t Even Know You’re Making”

Sorry if this feels like a slap in the face, but I promised you at the start of this letter that I’d give you the ugly truth:

I live in Canada, so here’s a customary “Sorry” for the upcoming heartache...

#1 - 80% of Affiliate Marketing is Designed to Fail

The truth is that affiliate marketing is very, very simple.

People shop for X, you provide them the link for X, they buy X, you get a commission for bringing a new customer to X.

You only ever need to focus on one traffic strategy like blogging, or YouTubing, or whatever you prefer and put 100% of your focus into getting more and more traffic.

This simple fundamental has been left behind as impatient marketers chase new software to try and skip this immutable truth.
80% of the affiliate marketing products I see today are pushing hype more than fundamentals, and it’s why your wallet is getting thinner instead of fatter.

The affiliates and marketers I personally know to be the most successful are still implementing the same strategies from 5-10 years ago – just tweaked to reflect newer technologies that make their lives easier and faster.

They focus on the fundamentals.

#2 - 100% Effort For D.O.A. Campaigns

What bothers me most about what our industry has become are the truly motivated, hungry to learn individuals (just like you) who apply massive effort– all in building a campaign for a product that is dead just 1 month later.

D.O.A – Dead on Arrival – products are what most affiliates are trying to sell these days: eBooks, software launches, webinars, and offers that have no life after 30 days.

Talk about a pump and dump! And who’s left holding the bag? 
The affiliate who spent hours learning how to create a campaign and chasing a few sales along with HUNDREDS of other affiliates all looking for the quick-cash on the table.

So what next? Chase the next shiny object launch!

Let me tell you a secret: Most affiliates, even the ones with huge lists of buyers, are so jaded on this type of affiliate marketing they don’t even want to do it anymore but they have to in order to keep the lights and food on the table.

They’ve been swallowed up by the affiliate rat race and have to keep a smile on their face to keep selling the dream.

#3 - Extreme Short-Termism

I get it, sometimes the appeal of making ‘fast money’ is too hard to turn down.

Afterall, who doesn’t want to make $1,384.98 in 16 seconds with 2 clicks using some magical software?

But it doesn’t work, it never works. Of course it doesn’t! It’s nonsense!

Here’s the ugliest truth of all: If you want to make real money (consistent  job-quitting money as an affiliate marketer) – you better be prepared to put in the time.

Accept this fact or you’ll spend your entire affiliate journey chasing gold dust: It will take time to create a multiple 5-figure income.

Side-hustles? Sure, there’s plenty of those, but the money dries up quick or it’s not scalable beyond a few hundred bucks per year.

If that’s what you want, then great! But this strategy I’m sharing isn’t for you.
I haven’t worked for anyone else in over 10 years, and it’s not because of a side-hustle, it’s because I’ve created a successful business (and it took longer than 16 seconds and 2 mouse clicks).

I hate to twist the knife, however, I’m going to be even more brutally honest with you…

"You're Probably Suffering From Affiliate ADHD"

I am not the smartest guy in the room, but when I spot an opportunity, I know when to go ‘all in’

I think this is one of the biggest problems that new affiliate marketers face: They keep going ‘all in’ to every opportunity that opens - these affiliates are making all of the mistakes, and none of the money.

I’ve been there and bought the souvenir t-shirt to remember it.

I’ve been in affiliate marketing for over 15 years, and it’s only been the last 5-7 years that I’ve really found my place in the industry.

Yes that’s right, 50% of my time was completely wasted bouncing from one thing to the next – sometimes, very unsuccessfully.

Maybe you can relate to this:

You tell yourself you won’t buy any more shiny objects and you decide to focus on that one thing… but it doesn’t pay off.

You start to question what you’re doing…

Are you the only one who can’t get this s**t to work??

You invested your blood, sweat, and tears into this thing… and you’ve got diddly to show for it.
You start to feel like you’re OWED the success you were promised.

You start to feel like you’ve been lied to.

It’s no surprise that most affiliates quit before they even cash their first cheque.

… But, what about those that got to the next level?

How did they get there when so many have failed before them? And how do you copy what worked for them, and avoid what caused everyone else to fail?

Those success stories all know the secret I’m going to share with you now.

Pay close attention.

The secret I’m going to share with you is a proven process that pumps out millions of dollars per year to those ‘in the know’…

This secret doesn’t care about who you are, where you live, or what situation you're in…

It doesn’t matter if you have ZERO credibility, authority, experience, success, credentials, or assets.

“Here’s The Secret They All Know: The Trend is Your Friend…”

If you leave this page with nothing else today, please at least take this knowledge with you and it will change your life: You will always make more sales as an affiliate when you are selling into a trend.

There are all kinds of trends happening right now as you read this.

I don’t care what year it is, what month it is, there is a million dollar trend happening right under your nose at this very moment and there’s another million dollar trend coming up soon, and then another, and another, and some of them will even come back around next year.

I’ve made $1,000’s of dollars this year selling into completely different trends: Cryptocurrency and Ai are the two biggest, but there are secret trends hidden in plain sight (if you know where to look).

If you want to take the path of least resistance, then it’s vital to start selling into an emerging trend when there’s the highest amount of buyers, with the lowest amount of competing affiliates.

However, most people will fail when they go at this alone. To understand why, you first need to understand:

“Why It's Harder To Make Affiliate Sales If You're Not ‘Riding Trends’…”

Everything you’ll find today about making money as an affiliate marketer is about leveraging the ‘brand’ model – you already know what this is:

Get on camera, make review videos, build a list, and people will buy from you.*

*the brand model comes in a few different flavors, but it’s the same idea no matter how you package it: Get a following and sell them stuff.

Yes, this works! … But it's not possible to work for everyone.

Y’see, if there are 100’s of affiliates (maybe 1,000s depending on the niche) all trying to make reviews of a product while promoting their affiliate link… 90% of those sales are only ever going to land at the feet of the TOP branded marketers who are more established and have the credibility and authority ahead of you.

It almost NEVER works for anyone who tries this without long-term mentorship… This is one of the hardest ways to make money online if you're going at it alone.

This is a problem.

This is a closed system.

This is a system that makes it very, very difficult for new affiliates to ever crack into because everyone ‘new’ to the industry is chasing a thoroughly established pack.

Remember, this is applicable to any niche.

This branded model is also extremely limiting: You can only use this model to sell into ONE niche.

Think about it…

If you’re creating review videos about internet marketing software, you can’t suddenly start creating reviews about drones, or diet supplements, or payday loan programs.

And what if you pick a niche you don’t even like? Do you really want to create content in a niche that you find boring (or worse, loathe entirely).

To be clear: The branded model works, but only for people who are either fully established, or are ready to settle into the long-term commitment of building ONE brand in ONE niche.

Brands are extremely powerful but affiliate marketing isn't the best way to monetize a strong brand you create from scratch.

Here’s why trends are better, more flexible, and more suitable to most people:

“No Website, No List, No Traffic? No Problem…”

Yes, really.

You don’t need to have a website, an email list, a social media following, or anything else right now if you want to start riding trends.

You could start from scratch during breakfast and make your first sales before dinner.


My strategy for riding-trends means you never have to get on camera, film yourself, or be seen in the public eye at all.


You'll never need to track down vendors through social media and beg them to allow you for access or approval to join their program.


You don't need to create Ai videos or stitch together stock content to take advantage of YouTube views. You never need to create any video content ever.


You'll never need to record your voice for podcasts or any content like that - nobody will ever know what you sound like (or that you even exist).


I hate SEO and it can take so long to rank for keywords, that you might miss the trend!


You don't need to leverage social media at all: No forcing yourself to think of posts, or trying to 'fake it 'til you make it" by pretending to be someone you're not.


Heck, this strategy is so stealthy that most customers who buy from you will never even know you exist in the first place (unless they read your affiliate disclosure of course).
Riding trends works and it just got easier than ever.

So easy, in fact, that the guru's can no longer claim this strategy for themselves. The barriers to entry have been blown off their hinges, and now anybody (anywhere) can have a huge advantage to start riding trends - and early adopters are going to have the greatest advantage of all.

Sound the trumpets and stand to attention because;

“Ai Has Made Profiting From Trends Easier And Faster Than Any Other Time in History”

Affiliate's have never had access to this level of scalability before: It's as easy as selecting any current or upcoming trend in any niche and leveraging Ai to create relevant content sprinkled with your affiliate link that points to a relevant offer which gets you PAID.

Ai is the single biggest development in affiliate marketing in over a decade (probably longer) and trends are the single greatest way to leverage this powerful technology.

Let me paint a picture for you…
… it’s August and the new NFL season is scheduled to kick-off soon. That’s an audience of millions of passionate fans all excited for the season to start.

FUBO, a sports streaming service, runs an affiliate offer every year that pays $16 to any affiliate who brings a new customer to their service via their high-converting 14-day free trial.

FUBO helps to cut costs on traditional cable packages and includes every NFL game from the regular season and playoffs along with access to NFL RedZone (the most desired coverage for NFL Sundays).

You can leverage Ai to create a simple post that explains the cost savings of FUBO compared to traditional cable packages, the ability to pause, rewind, and replay live games, access to NFL RedZone every Sunday, plus the lack of contracts and annual commitments, and even exclusive access to content only available on FUBO

Now ask yourself, are people likely to consider a free trial of this service at this time of year? 

Remember, from your perspective as the affiliate: You don’t need to like the NFL, you don’t need to know anything about American football, and even if you can’t name a single team or player this strategy will work for you because you’re filling a demand in a strong trend.
You could run this campaign for a month, cash your cheque at the end, and then move on to the next trend you spot – whether that’s another sport’s affiliate program, or a trending diet supplement.

No videos, no blogging, no SEO, no hassle, no fluff – you go right into the heart of the sales cycle with the lowest hanging fruit and come out the other side with your commissions and then move on to whatever trend tickles your fancy.

Oh, and with that NFL example, you can do it all again next year because you’ve already done all the ‘hard work’ once. This is an example of a cyclical trend that comes around multiple times (usually the same time time every year).

Can you see the potential of riding trends instead of putting all your eggs into one niche-basket?

Well you ain’t seen nuffin yet:

“I’ve Created the Most Complete Case Study You’ve Ever Seen to Prove That This Works…”

In the summer of 2023, I recorded multiple hours of footage as I started from scratch and created an entire trend campaign exclusively using Ai.

I recorded literally every step along the way, and there are hours and hours of footage of every single step of the process.

I’ve since edited and split this content into multiple modules to help reveal every step from initial concept, all the way to multiple profitable sales in the same day.

You can’t learn about this anywhere else – nobody else knows about this and I’ve never seen anybody talking about this.

This is literally the ground floor of something completely different to every other approach to affiliate marketing you’ve ever seen.

But JayKay…” I hear you asking “why would you tell anyone about this? Why not keep it to yourself and make a ton of money?”

Here’s why…

“I’m Only Revealing This Method To You Because I Want To Identify Founding Members of Our Own Syndicate…”

Remember what pushed me down this path in the first place: The accidental ZOOM call that showed me the secret underworld of affiliate marketers that leverage national economies to stuff their wallets with commissions?

Well, I want a piece of that pie – don’t you?

That syndicate is a closed shop, and there’s no way to join, no matter how much money you’ve got (believe me I’ve tried).

There’s strength in numbers, and I’m searching for affiliates who have what it takes to become part of the ‘new rich’ as Affiliate Marketing 2.0 starts to fly this year.

I see a community of like-minded affiliates working together to dominate emerging trends as the most powerful entity in the industry.

And the reason I’m not giving this away for free is simple – nobody ever takes action on something they’re handed for free.

You need to have skin in the game.

So let’s get stuck into this.

It’s time to open the doors to this opportunity for the very first time…


This is the 7th edition in the top-rated RHIMS (Really Helpful Internet Marketing Stuff) series.

RHIMS is one of the highest-rated internet marketing training series online, just look at these reviews from the RHIMS series:

"Best investment of the year"

... I've gone through this training personally and found some golden nuggets... It doesn't matter if you are a new affiliate marketer, or a seasoned affiliate, you're going to learn something new and give some new life to your affiliate marketing strategies... If you're on the fence let me tell you this is going to be the best investment of the year."

Daniel Aveiga, affiliate marketer

"This is a Complete Strategy"

I've been doing affiliate marketing for 5 years and there are so many things in RHIMS that have made me stop and think about things in a different way. This is why I'm such a fan of JayKay's work. If you're a newbie you can learn a brand new strategy that you can apply tomorrow."

Goldie Maanu, founder

Here's What You're Going to Discover in RHIMS 7.0:

  • You need a big list of email subscribers to make truckloads of cash as an affiliate, right? Wrong! In RHIMS 7.0 I’ll show you how to ride trends across multiple niches even if you don’t have a single email subscriber.
  • Why most struggling affiliates end up with cold, non-buying traffic to their offers. (if you’re currently getting this wrong you might as well be throwing $1,000’s in the gutter each month).
  • How to build affiliate campaigns in the biggest-spending niches on Earth alongside the biggest super-affiliates in the industry (and how to succeed against them).
  • AVOID making videos, creating blogs, running social media channels, and creating/buying content to make yourself ‘stand out’. With trend marketing you’re completely invisible! Heck, most customers don’t even know that a portion of their money went to you as your commission!
  • ​Over 80% of affiliates say that their biggest fear is getting on camera – in RHIMS 7.0 I’ll show you how to make more money as an affiliate than ever before while remaining 100% anonymous.
  • My simple framework to leverage Ai to create sales content for you in any niche in just a few minutes.

“I'll Take You Behind-The-Curtain and Reveal...”

  • Give me 60 mins, and I’ll show you how to create a test to see if there’s sales within a trend you’ve spotted. Seriously, I started running a test to a seasonal trend and got 4x $40 sales before the end of the day (this entire test is included inside RHIMS 7)!
  • If you can create a simple one-page website, then you have all the skills you need to start trend marketing right now (and even if you feel intimidated by that, I’ll show you how to use Ai to do almost everything for you).
  • The truth about getting your message in front of 100,000’s of people in hours (and how to do it faster than you ever thought possible).
  • ​How to instantly become a competitive affiliate in almost any niche, and have a vast selection of affiliate offers at your fingertips that pay you for every sale AND even for getting people to take a free trial!
  • ​The secret behind building a campaign once, and then leveraging it every single year as seasonal trends circle back around the calendar.
  • The sneaky underground tactic that attracts visitors in search of answers, and slides a sales pitch right under their noses. This leaves prospects asking “where do I buy this?” before finding the answer by clicking your affiliate link.
And to help you start making sales even faster I’ll just flat-out give you a full real-world case study that is completely transparent – nothing is secret, and nothing is hidden.

This is the most in-depth case study I’ve ever recorded, and it will put everything in perspective and show you how to leverage this strategy for yourself.

I recorded every single step from a recent trend marketing campaign, and I'm taking you step-by-step through everything.

"We Will Hit $600k This Year"

...I've used a lot of what I've learned to generate customers to our eCommerce stores on two different platforms... Our Shopify store did $510k in it's first year right out of the gate and is currently on track to do $600k in 2022... I tell you this to show that JayKay is one of the best marketing mentors around, bar none. He's a mentor because he actually practices exactly what he teaches, he really does this stuff!"

Michael Rytter, 7-Figure's in eCommerce

“18 Reasons You Should Join RHIMS 7.0 Today”

If I followed what the Guru's teach, then this is the part where I point to all the vacations I’ve taken, the 5-star resorts I’ve stayed at, the luxury rentals, the fancy watches, etc.

… And why you’d have to be out of your mind to ignore what I can teach you…

But I’m not going to do that.

Instead, I’m going to let 18 current members tell you how the RHIMS (Really Helpful Internet Marketing Stuff) series has helped them.

Recently, I asked some members to share just ONE thing they've discovered from anything in the RHIMS series.

Here’s what a few of them said:
Please note: These are only 18 of the comments, this page would be waaaay too long if I added the dozens of replies that were sent in! You can see all of these comments inside the members area and verify these are real customers of the RHIMS series.

“I'm Gonna Make You An Offer You Can't Refuse…”

You have 30 days to go through all of this content, to watch each video, and to watch the case study from beginning to end and you’ll see exactly how this all works and you'll know in a few days if this is right for you or not.

I can guarantee you that if you apply what I teach inside RHIMS 7.0 you will never look at affiliate marketing the same way again.

You will finally be on the path to affiliate marketing success – even if you’re fresh off the turnip truck, you will see exactly how to leverage this strategy to make commissions.

However, just in case you are the unique case who just doesn’t get this…

Or you get it and you don’t like it…

… Just let me know and you’ll get your entire investment back: No questions asked.

That's because you're covered by my...

100% No Fuss, No-Holds-Barred, No B.S. Iron-Clad,
100% 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the insider secret that lets me take all the risk off you: I know that this works.

All the quotes, and videos on this page show that other people see the value in this and know that it works too.

But you might be a little skeptical, and that’s perfectly normal. I get that.
So I want you to take a leap of faith with me, and start applying this strategy for yourself to test how this works for you.

You can have these campaigns setup in just 1 day, but I’ll go above and beyond that and give you a whole 30 days to really try it out and apply yourself.

If, for whatever reason, you aren’t happy with the training or you can’t understand how it’s supposed to work – that’s fine, maybe this just isn’t for you.

I wouldn’t feel right keeping your tiny investment if I knew that this wasn’t helping you make sales and commissions.

Just let my team know by emailing us via the link on your digital receipt within 30 days of completing your order and you’ll get a no-quibble, no-guilt, no-shame, no-questions-asked refund.

Yes, that’s right.

I will give you a complete refund no matter what the reason.

And I’ll make it even better!

Not only will you get a full refund on your entire purchase, but I’ll even let you keep all of the bonuses in the members area!

I’m that positive you’re going to be blown away by the content and value inside RHIMS 7.0.

Only RHIMS 7.0 Members Will Discover:

  • Why trend campaigns are better than relying on new product launches all the time – trend campaigns allow you to promote evergreen offers from weird niches that become extremely popular very fast.
  • The world is headed for a period of sustained economic growth as stock markets around the world are hitting all-time-highs: There’s never been a better time to leverage affiliate marketing to bank on this.
  • ​What NEVER to do when planning out your affiliate campaign (most struggling affiliates are doing this right now and wondering why they’re not making any money – and it all starts before you even launch your campaign).
  • How to think outside the box when it comes to turning a trend into a sales opportunity: Leveraging the weather forecast to make sales of bugzappers and home appliances? Yup, it all makes sense to RHIMS 7.0 members.
  • How to leverage the one strategy that you can start today if absolutely MUST make $500 this month (HINT: It’s fast, easy, and fun to do)
  • The #1 way you can leverage trend campaigns to rake in lots of easy commissions (this is a foolproof way to hit paydirt in as little as one day! I’ll even prove it showing profitable sales in just 24hrs (one of the sales even comes in live on camera).

“Hear From These Raving Fans of Trend Marketing In Their Own Words…”

"Laser-Targeted Customers"

"... Now I know how to laser-target customers who actually want to buy the products I'm promoting... What you do is amazing and I'm thankful that there's such a good quality product out there like this. Love your work!"

Lyndon Scott, SEO Expert & Affiliate

"Second to None"

...If you have never engaged in affiliate marketing and seen results, this is a method I am certain will give everybody of every skill level those results that you can be proud of. JayKay is one of the finest teachers online for affiliate marketing... Let me just tell you this is going to be second to none."

Rob Reece, affiliate marketer

"JayKay is the Real Deal..."

... he is not a 'flavour of the week' marketer, he only makes or adds to a product when he feels like he has something to say, and that's exactly what's happening with RHIMS 6.0. He is giving you an amazing new way to look at affiliate marketing that I've never seen before... He gives you toolkits, checklists, and workbooks to help you. I wholeheartedly recommend RHIMS 6.0"

Kimberly Thibodeaux, affiliate marketer

"You Will Not Regret It"

...I've purchased all the editions of RHIMS and learned a lot from them... With this edition, you don't have to build an email list, you don't need a funnel, you don't need an audience. It's a great way to make your first affiliate commissions... If you're on the fence about RHIMS 6.0 go get ahead and get it, there is so much value inside that you will not regret it"

Abhi Nair, affiliate marketer

“This is Your ‘Unfair Advantage’ Because You’ll Make Money Whether You Like it Or Not After You Discover…”

  • The #1 EASIEST way to make commissions I’ve ever taught before. No list, no videos, no complicated pages, no organic traffic, no waiting for visitors. You can be getting ultra-targeted traffic as early as today.
  • The ‘old school’ way of creating affiliate promotions that has been forgotten through time as people discovered loopholes, hacks, and software that never worked (this old school skill has been spitting sales at my account for years).
  • The secrets of high-traffic, high-competition affiliate marketers who remain invisible to their customers but break the bank with a small fortune in commissions in the background.
  • "Is there a way to make sales without appearing on camera? Without creating a brand? I’m too scared to get on camera!" (Someone asked me this question. Yes there is, and my answer is inside RHIMS 7.0).

You Too Can Become an Insider and Join Us In This Brave New World of Affiliate Marketing for Just $47 $27

If you see the potential of trend marketing and the flexibility of Affiliate Marketing 2.0, then click on the button below to get instant access to RHIMS 7.0

  • Instant Access: Multiple modules, detailed explanation of trends and fads, full case study to show you how I leverage trend campaigns.
  • Case Study: The most detailed case study I've ever recorded. Everything is transparent, and every single hour of content was recorded in this case study.
  • Mentor Support: Reach out for help with any aspect of your campaign in our private members mastermind.
  • Trend Checklist: Seasonal trends for the entire year that have proven to generate millions of dollars in online sales - we've found all the trends for you!
  • Limitless Niches: There are trends in every single niche. Now you can focus on finding trends in niches you're passionate about, rather than what everyone tells you.
  • Beginner Friendly: I've got a knack for teaching complex concepts in ways anybody can understand. If you want to learn, you've come to the right place.




YES – I Want to Discover Trend Marketing

  • YES. Please give me immediate access to all seven training modules inside RHIMS 7.0 and the 8 bonuses I'm entitled to keep even if I refund the course.
  • YES. I understand I will also get access to future live training, coaching, and mastermind groups to get a deeper understanding to find new trends to generate sales faster.
  • YES. I want to access this powerful system right away and pledge to try it risk-free for the next 30 days.
  • YES. I understand I am getting an ‘unfair advantage’ over other affiliates who do not have access to this information.
  • YES. I understand I can learn this strategy without risk for the next 30 days and may ask for a refund at anytime if I’m unhappy with the content.
And remember that you won’t be alone.

I make myself very accessible to my students via email, one-on-one calls, masterminding in my exclusive groups, and even through direct messageso if you ever have questions, you’re able to get access.

I’m not locked in my ivory tower like some ‘gurus’ who sell you a course and then you can never reach if you have questions.

I’ll be there to hold your hand along the way and ensure you’re able to apply what you’re learning.


 DON'T MISS OUT! I'm Only Including ALL These 8 Bonuses For A Limited Time:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST


Trending Network Checklist

Dive into this wave of wealth by riding trends with a unique edge using The "Trending Network Checklist" This invaluable guide introduces you to beginner-friendly networks beyond the usual suspects – no WarriorPlus, JVZoo, or Clickbank here. We've carefully selected networks that are perfect for those starting out, focusing on trending products in large niches. 
Explore new, untapped markets and gain an advantage that most affiliates don’t even know exist! Embrace the potential of trend-based marketing and start your path to success with our comprehensive checklist!

VALUE = $25
Included At NO COST


Ai Content Roadmap

The "AI Content Roadmap" is an essential tool designed to enhance your content writing using Ai. This free bonus provides comprehensive format ideas, including comparisons, transformative stories, and turning common problems into sales opportunities.

This roadmap guides you to create content that attracts buyers in current trends. 

This roadmap is an invaluable guide for creating impactful, AI-driven content that turns prospects into customers.

VALUE = $67
Included At NO COST


Content Design Roadmap

Step up your conversions with our exclusive freebie for new members: the "Content Design Roadmap." This roadmap is your shortcut to creating eye-catching, effective content for your affiliate offers. Learn how to select the right domain, use images and captions smartly, include essential legal pages, and even integrate videos effectively. It's not just about design; it's about crafting a compelling experience that converts visitors into customers. 

Join us and get your hands on the "Content Design Roadmap" today as a free welcome bonus for joining RHIMS 7.0!

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST


Eye-Grabbing Visuals Handbook

These workbooks have become such a lifesaver for me.

I had to repeat so many simple tasks when setting up my order-jacking campaigns, I started using simple workbooks to help me create my campaigns in a simple PDF document and then just copy/paste the info into my campaign.

Now you can get all of my workbooks (updated for RHIMS 6.0) included when you join the members area. 

Get all of the workbooks included for free with your purchase of RHIMS 6.0. These workbooks are a $47 value included for free!

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST


Attention-Grabber Action Plan

Exclusively for new RHIMS 7.0 members! This action plan is a goldmine of strategies to create headlines that truly captivate.

Learn to harness the power of curiosity, craft irresistible listicles, master the 'How-To', ask the right questions, and leverage FOMO to your advantage. Plus, it guides you in using dynamic insertion techniques for personalization.

Get ready to transform your ads with headlines that not only grab attention but also drive results.

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST


Campaign Launch Blueprint

Launch your affiliate campaigns with precision using the "Campaign Launch Blueprint," exclusively free for our new members! This blueprint is your roadmap to successful campaign launches using the ‘Wave of Wealth’ strategy. It covers vital aspects like validating opportunities, setting realistic targets, and understanding the value of each opportunity you discover.

With multiple ad variation tips included, this blueprint is an indispensable tool for every aspiring affiliate marketer trying to ride the trends. Get it now and start launching campaigns that succeed.

VALUE = $47
Included At NO COST


Billions in 2024 - Trend Cheatsheet

Get ahead in 2024 with our exclusive "Billions Trend Cheatsheet," a special free bonus for new members only! This cheatsheet is your crystal ball into the year's biggest trends with online shopping in these trends worth literal billions during every cycle, offering a trend-to-trend guide to what's hot in 2024. 

From fitness in January to high-tech gadgets in August, and even unique insights for the holiday season, it’s packed with valuable info to help you capitalize on cyclical trends. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to ride the wave of wealth in 2024's top trends!

VALUE = $500
Included At NO COST


1-on-1 Scale Support (EXCLUSIVE)

Unlock your full potential with this exclusive offer: Personalized 1-on-1 support with JayKay! As a free bonus for joining, you'll gain direct access to expert guidance to effectively scale your first sales opportunity discovered through the Wave of Wealth strategy in RHIMS 7.0. This is more than just support; it's a partnership in pinpointing and maximizing the most promising trends specific to what you’ve learned in RHIMS 7.0. 

Don't miss this chance for individualized mentorship that could elevate your affiliate marketing to new heights. Implement your first campaign, discover your first opportunity, and you’ll have 1-on-1 support to guide you through your first time scaling up.

Lock-In Your Bonuses, Discount, and Community Access Right Now! Join RHIMS 7.0 Today!

I'll see you on the inside,
P.S. Have you ever heard about the 'oxygen mask' principle in airplanes? It’s a crucial lesson that saves lives.

Did you know when there’s a drop in cabin pressure during flight, oxygen masks drop down from above?

I’ve only experienced this once, but it’s genuinely panic-inducing and the sense of anxiety quickly surges through hundreds of people all at once.

You can feel it in the air throughout the whole plane: Fear.

The rule is you must secure your own mask before helping others.

This isn't just about safety - it's a metaphor for life, especially your current situation.

If you're not stable, how can you hope to support others like your family, friends, and dependents?

Right now, you're at a critical juncture.

Continuing as you are, you are risking suffocation.

RHIMS 7.0 can be your oxygen mask: It provides the security and stability you urgently need and it's hanging in front of you right now.

Consider this:

Without securing your oxygen mask, you can't possibly help yourself, let alone others.

Are you going to wait until you're gasping for air? Or will you make the smart choice and secure your mask now?

It's all up to you:

You can leave this page, wait for the air to get thinner and thinner until you’re forced to act when it’s too late…

Or you can make a small investment today in RHIMS (one of the most well respected training series online) and breathe a little easier tomorrow.

Remember, if you already have a system generating substantial income, then perhaps this isn't for you; but if you're still searching for that lifeline, don't ignore the success stories of others who've already taken the leap:

Click The Button Below To Get Started...



YES – I Want to Discover Trend Marketing

  • YES. Please give me immediate access to all seven training modules inside RHIMS 7.0 and the 8 bonuses I'm entitled to keep even if I refund the course.
  • YES. I understand I will also get access to future live training, coaching, and mastermind groups to get a deeper understanding to find new trends to generate sales faster.
  • YES. I want to access this simple system right away and pledge to try it risk-free for the next 30 days.
  • YES. I understand I am getting an ‘unfair advantage’ over other affiliates who do not have access to this battle-tested and proven method for making big commissions even if I don’t have an email list of subscribers.
  • YES. I understand I can learn this strategy without risk for the next 30 days and may ask for a refund at anytime if I’m unhappy with the content.
And remember that you won’t be alone.

I make myself very accessible to my students via email, one-on-one calls, masterminding in my exclusive groups, and even through direct messageso if you ever have questions, you’re able to get access.

I’m not locked in my ivory tower like some ‘gurus’ who sell you a course and then you can never reach if you have questions.

I’ll be there to hold your hand along the way and ensure you’re able to apply what you’re learning.


Don't Forget! I’m Going to Take All of the Risk Because I’m Securing Your Order With My 100% No Fuss, No-Holds-Barred, No B.S., Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the insider secret that lets me take all the risk off you: I know that this works.

All the quotes, and videos on this page show that other people see the value in this and know that it works too.

But you might be a little skeptical, and that’s perfectly normal. I get that.
So I want you to take a leap of faith with me, and start applying this strategy for yourself to test how this works for you.

You can have these campaigns setup in just 1 day, but I’ll go above and beyond that and give you a whole 30 days to really try it out and apply yourself.

If, for whatever reason, you aren’t happy with the training or you can’t understand how it’s supposed to work – that’s fine, maybe this just isn’t for you.

I wouldn’t feel right keeping your tiny investment if I knew that this wasn’t helping you make sales and commissions.

Just let my team know by emailing us via the link on your digital receipt within 30 days of completing your order and you’ll get a no-quibble, no-guilt, no-shame, no-questions-asked refund.

Yes, that’s right.

I will give you a complete refund no matter what the reason.

And I’ll make it even better!

Not only will you get a full refund on your entire purchase, but I’ll even let you keep the
workbooks, checklists, and bonuses!

I’m that positive you’re going to be blown away by the content and value inside RHIMS 7.0.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this a business opportunity for me to invest in?
We are not seeking any investment into any products or ventures. RHIMS 7.0 is an educational course for aspiring affiliate marketers to discover the power of leveraging trends as part (or all) of their strategy for attracting targeted traffic to their affiliate link
Are there any additional expenses?
The short answer is: It depends. The bare minimum you will need create these types of trend campaigns are: a pagebuilder/website builder, a domain name, Ai tool to create your content (optional), budget for paid ads (optional).
Is this software?
No, there is no software included. This an information course, the content is primarily delivered through videos in a series of modules.
How much will I make by doing this?
There is no way to answer this question, we have no idea about your experience in affiliate marketing, design, copywriting, or advertising.
Is this risky?
There is no risk to your affiliate account, or any content/advertising partners you use. Provided affiliate marketing is allowed on any platforms you want to use, nothing in this strategy is blackhat or greyhat. This is a tried, tested, and true strategy for affiliate marketing.
Can I do this in XYZ country?
This strategy is applicable to every country and every language.
Can I use free traffic, is this about paid ads?
You can leverage trends across any traffic source that you can get relevant traffic from. For example, if you're riding a mattress trend to sell premium bedding/mattresses then you won't be able to use solo ads since there aren't any solo ad vendors in the 'bedding niche'. Inside the course, you'll see JayKay uses native ads as his traffic source and includes extensive training about native ads to show why he uses this paid medium. keep in mind, you do not need to use paid ads.
How much is this?
The entire course costs $47, and everything you see on this page is included. There is no bait 'n switch involved, or any required upsells.
Are there any upsells?
There are 2 OPTIONAL upsells, they are not required to make use of RHIMS 7. The first upsell is our full trend report for 2024, this includes 30 hidden trends that you've never heard of and include links to affiliate programs relevant to that niche/trend. The other optional upgrade is access to a private group where JayKay shows private details about emerging trends, and how he's using trends behind-the-scenes in his affiliate marketing business.
How do I join RHIMS safely?
There are lots of fake sellers trying to ripoff RHIMS 7 - but this is the secure website. Click the the link below and you'll see your order is directly processed by 'jaykaydowdall' on WarriorPlus. Your order is secure, and backed by a 30-day moneyback guarantee to ensure your satisfaction.
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Disclaimer: WarriorPlus is used to help manage the sale of products on this site. While WarriorPlus helps facilitate the sale, all payments are made directly to the product vendor and NOT WarriorPlus. Thus, all product questions, support inquiries and/or refund requests must be sent to the vendor. WarriorPlus's role should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in the marketing of these products.