Hey Now!
I’m JayKay. I’ve been an affiliate marketer since I was 17 and in that time I’ve sold just about every type of affiliate product under the sun: supplements, ebooks, desktop lamps, pest control solutions, sex toys, fashion accessories, you get the idea lol…
In that time, I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I’ve had some pretty big successes. I’ve earned $100,000’s in commissions from all different kinds of offers in just about every niche.
Some of these strategies have changed but my approach has remained the same:
Make a “thing” that creates extreme desire for a product/offer and then show people how they can get that product for themselves.
Simple enough, but most affiliates who try to copy my approach struggle with mapping out the “thing” that creates the desire which gets visitors to act and buy the product/offer.
What I’ve done for you today, is create a series of simple fill-in-the-blank workbooks that will help you create your own “thing” that does the selling for you.
Since this “thing” is usually called a funnel I decided to call this collection of workbooks the “Affiliate Funnel Toolkit.”